Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Best Literary Websites EVER!!! ( far...)


Believe it or not... I love poetry! But only the poetry that makes sense...not leaving me playing a guessing game. Well anyway, the literary website above has been developed by Lee Klein, and whether you like him or not he leaves with many experiments to work with when developing writing. For example, in his series “Rejection Letters from the Eyeshot Outbox” he describes, in the brackets of implication, his editorial stance as an unabashed sneer. All in all he's a very interesting by all means feel free to take a peek, if you so wish.


This website is entitled Poor Mojo's Almanac(k). More or less it is an online journal touching on numerous subjects from Giant Squid to poetry. All in all, I look to this site for any type of inspiration...whether it be to let my feelings out on paper or to help fight writers block. It's truly a great site...if you take a look around.


More or less I came across this website purely by mistake a couple of weeks ago. I was trying to do some research of Hobart hall at Willy P and this site popped up...and guess what? It's a literary website....and you can actually submit stuff for print there. Just take a gander and hopefully you'll be as surprised as I was.


If you ever find yourself in a rut...or you're just stumped...just take a look at these website and something will come to you...I promise! If not, you can always blame your writers block on me...or the apple that fell down from the sky and bopped you on the head. Whatever floats your boat. Well...happy literating! (Don't think that's a word...but oh well!)



Awesome sites! I took a look at them and I agree...they are pretty good.

A Quinlan said...

Miss Shaw--I've been missing your postings and they are fab. Thank you!