Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Writing and Emotion/Grief

There are tons of things in our environment that provoke emotion. However, when something unexpected happens it can provoke thought so intense that it just has to be written down.

One true example of this emotional writing can be viewed at my friends website ( If you take a glance at his will take you to his blog (journal) and you can read his story.

Once you begin reading, you'll learn a lot about my friend Aaron. In 2002,, he was in a terrible car accident that, more or less, left him brain dead. His mother kept him alive for as long as he could until he passed July 4th 2008. In any event the blog and page a way for his mother to grieve the loss of his son.

I truly believe that if you're mad, upset, or just start crying for no need to grab a piece of paper and let your feelings out on paper. You don't know how many times I have written hate letters to my boss in MS Word (then deleted them)....written to God asking why.....and just wrote because I didn't know why I was crying. It truly is a great way to help you cope with the feelings that rush your body.

I don't know how to explain it....but it truly works! If you don't believe me...just look at my friends page and maybe it'll be put things into perspective.

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