What in the world is literary excellence?
According to dictionary.com I have discovered the meaning of both terms:
Literary- (adj)
pertaining to or of the nature of books and writings, esp. those classed as literature: literary history.
pertaining to authorship: literary style.
versed in or acquainted with literature; well-read.
engaged in or having the profession of literature or writing: a literary man.
characterized by an excessive or affected display of learning; stilted; pedantic.
preferring books to actual experience; bookish.
the fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence: his excellence in mathematics.
an excellent quality or feature: Use of herbs is one of the excellences of French cuisine.
(usually initial capital letter) excellency (def. 1).
So...this is my conclusion....
Literary excellence is a form of writing which is superior to ones self in regards to others. For example, literary excellence in my opinion could be something that originally had potential and after many revisions, and effort put through a superior document was created. All in all, I feel that we need to strive for literary excellence if we so desire, to stand out amongst the great writers of the literary world. In the end, I suggest that all take the time, and set forth their ideas...and strive for great success.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Wubulous World of Books That I'm Reading

So, we were asked to blog about something we're reading in another class. Well, I only have one other class, and that is Technical Writing. Therefore, the only book I'm reading (for that class) is Technical Writing for a Technical World (or something like that). It's a pretty boring book...just a ton of information spewed out....and you try to absorb it in your brain, but it's pretty impossible to know everything that the book is trying to tell you.
Anyway, on the other hand, I am currently teaching some classes (grades K-5) and every now and then I tutor. So, if you want to know what I'm having my students read (which in turn means I'm reading the book as well) I'll be more than happy to tell you about it.
The book that my 5th grade students are reading is called Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. This book is pivotal to what we are learning about in social studies at the current moment, the Holocaust. The book shows you what it was like to live during this era being Jewish in Copenhagen, Denmark. It encourages an array of emotion, and at times can be almost overwhelming (especially for my 5th grade students).
As a teacher, I feel that it is important to read this book aloud as a whole class, because it adds a different element. (Especially because many of my students just stare at the words on the page...and make no sense of it all). Also, when I read the book aloud it seems to take them on a journey because as I read I use different voices to illuminate each character. I really feel that this book is an important piece of literature, and no matter how old or young you are I suggest you read this book at least once...so that you gain a greater sense of the history of the world.
As for my younger grades (K-2) we are really focusing on brief children's stories or maybe every now and then a "chapter book" such as, Junie B. Jones. Right now, a classic book, I am reading with my 1st and 2nd grade students (because it is a combined class) is Where the Wild Things Are. I'm sure you are all familiar with this book and the journey it can take a young child's mind on. It's amazing how the author captivates every aspect of a child. From having the main character (Max) go around the house dressed in a wolf costume to being sent to your room without supper and letting your mind go on a wild journey. It truly is an amazing story, and can be the precursor to letting students see how to let your mind go and get your every thought on paper.
As for my 3rd and 4th grade students I'm really trying to work on finding books that their peers are reading, but are "dumbed" down so that they can read them. In other words, if any of you are ever so compelled (you could make a fortune out of this) take a book/novel, and make it simpler so that my students could read and understand...you'd make a fortune. I've found Shakespeare's A Mid Summer's Night Dream written for their understanding and they loved it. Who would have thought that special education students would love Shakespeare? Anyway...if anyone has any suggestions...please please please...let me know!
Other than that, that's about all I'm reading (for school). For my own pleasure I'm working my way through the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I'm finally on the 3rd book, and I'm absolutely hooked. Can't wait for the movie to come out next month. Well, I hope you found this, at least, somewhat interesting, and perhaps....if you haven't already... you'll pick up Number the Stars and start reading.
Anyway, on the other hand, I am currently teaching some classes (grades K-5) and every now and then I tutor. So, if you want to know what I'm having my students read (which in turn means I'm reading the book as well) I'll be more than happy to tell you about it.
The book that my 5th grade students are reading is called Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. This book is pivotal to what we are learning about in social studies at the current moment, the Holocaust. The book shows you what it was like to live during this era being Jewish in Copenhagen, Denmark. It encourages an array of emotion, and at times can be almost overwhelming (especially for my 5th grade students).
As a teacher, I feel that it is important to read this book aloud as a whole class, because it adds a different element. (Especially because many of my students just stare at the words on the page...and make no sense of it all). Also, when I read the book aloud it seems to take them on a journey because as I read I use different voices to illuminate each character. I really feel that this book is an important piece of literature, and no matter how old or young you are I suggest you read this book at least once...so that you gain a greater sense of the history of the world.
As for my younger grades (K-2) we are really focusing on brief children's stories or maybe every now and then a "chapter book" such as, Junie B. Jones. Right now, a classic book, I am reading with my 1st and 2nd grade students (because it is a combined class) is Where the Wild Things Are. I'm sure you are all familiar with this book and the journey it can take a young child's mind on. It's amazing how the author captivates every aspect of a child. From having the main character (Max) go around the house dressed in a wolf costume to being sent to your room without supper and letting your mind go on a wild journey. It truly is an amazing story, and can be the precursor to letting students see how to let your mind go and get your every thought on paper.
As for my 3rd and 4th grade students I'm really trying to work on finding books that their peers are reading, but are "dumbed" down so that they can read them. In other words, if any of you are ever so compelled (you could make a fortune out of this) take a book/novel, and make it simpler so that my students could read and understand...you'd make a fortune. I've found Shakespeare's A Mid Summer's Night Dream written for their understanding and they loved it. Who would have thought that special education students would love Shakespeare? Anyway...if anyone has any suggestions...please please please...let me know!
Other than that, that's about all I'm reading (for school). For my own pleasure I'm working my way through the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I'm finally on the 3rd book, and I'm absolutely hooked. Can't wait for the movie to come out next month. Well, I hope you found this, at least, somewhat interesting, and perhaps....if you haven't already... you'll pick up Number the Stars and start reading.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Help!!!! This is my 4 page paper...i need some insight
I can remember walking down the hallways of high school day after day being looked at as if I were some type of object. No one ever looked me in the face. It was as if there eyes were always too busy exploring other places on my body. It never really struck me to think about where there eyes were focused. Yet, it was where their eyes were focused that brought me to where I am today.
Here I sit, on a flat white mat covered with a white cloth, and all I can focus on is the clock and the minutes slowly passing by. The clock now read 6:00am, and as each minute passes I can feel my stomach begin to growl. I think to myself "I have been starving myself for the past twelve hours and for what?"
With that thought I begin to examine my past. I think about the hallways of high school; the plain white walls with blue lockers lining each side of the hallway. Suddenly, I begin to think about the numerous confrontations that occur within those hallways. It's almost as if the hallways hold a special value to each clique. You see, in my high school there were a plethora of cliques. You had the jocks, the skaters, the nerds, and the band geeks, and then there was the rest. Where did I fall, in the middle of all these cliques? Well, let's just say I was a part of “the rest.”
"The rest" was in no way a clique. It was just a bunch of people who chose not to associate with any particular group. It was those people who were looked at oddly but, for some reason I was the one who was looked at in an awkward manner the most. I though of myself as an average girl. Yes, I was indeed short in stature, and am still today, but I was always told "good things come in small packages" so I never thought of myself as being any different.
Indeed, everyone knows the struggles that come in high school; finding a date to the prom, sex, parties, and many other things, but none of those things ever fazed me. My high school career was not about whom I was going to prom with or when I would lose my virginity. It was about putting my best foot forward and getting into a good college. I guess in some ways I did break the barriers of a "normal" high schooler, in the sense, but why was I being treated so differently?
As I snapped back into reality, I look back at the clock; it was only forty-five minutes later than the last time I looked at it. The clock reads 6:45 am, and here I am sitting on this white sheet. A young woman approached me, and gave me a top to cover myself, she said "Could you please take off all you garments except for your panties and put this on with the opening in the front?" I slowly began removing each leg from my jeans, and as I proceeded to undress myself again the thoughts of high school reoccurred in my head.
This time, I was sitting in the cafeteria; people were looking at me, looking under the table…at me! All I could think about was why they were doing this. What was under the table that looked so appealing? I would look at my friends surrounding me for an answer but, they all giggled at me as if I were stupid. I never really took notice as to where the table fell on my petite body; the only body parts exposed above the cafeteria table were my shoulders, my neck, and my head. I guess I was so juvenile at the time that I never really took into any thought that what they were looking at beneath the table could be something that would later scar me for life.
Suddenly, I heard a voice say “Melissa, are you dressed in the top I gave you?” I stopped thinking about high school and came to the situation that was developing around me. With a little hesitation in my voice I responded “Yes.” The woman slowly opened the curtain that was surround the mat covered with the white sheet, and said “Melissa, please lie down we’re going to transport you to another room now.” With that, I laid down, on what seemed to be the most sterile bed ever. All I could smell was bleach. Slowly the bed was being pushed an all I could do was look up at the ceiling. Before being moved from one room to the other, I caught one last glimpse of the clock, it read 7:45am.
Time was moving faster than I wanted it to. I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing. As the bed I was lying on moved down the hallway, I heard every little crack it went over. It reminded me of the number of people who brought me where I am today. On my journey from one room to the next, I counted seven cracks, and for some reason these seven cracks resembled the seven people. The seven people who were always too busy looking else where than at my face. The seven people: Rob, Dan, Jesse, Brian, Matt, Jamie, and last but not least Will.
As I sat in the room all I could think about was the last of the seven people, Will. Will was the worst out of the seven he never would even make an effort to look me in the eye. He was the one who drew the straw that broke the camel’s back he was the one who woke me up into reality. He was the one I wanted to punch in the face numerous times for pointing it all out. As much as I wanted to deny it existed, it did.
So, there I was lying on this bed, about to go into surgery, and all I could think about is what Will had done. Before entering the operating room, the anesthesiologist approached me and asked me many questions like my name, my date of birth, and if I had a living will. I answered all the questions slowly. “My name is Melissa Veronica Shaw. My date of birth is 9-30-84. I have no living will.” All of the sudden before my anesthesiologist could walk away I grabbed her and said “You want to know why I’m going through with this?” Before she could answer I said “Well, I’m tired of people not looking at my face and focusing on how large my breasts are. I’m tired of the fact that because I have a larger chest people feel its okay to touch without asking. As a matter of fact, there is nothing more I would want right now than to make my chest invisible, but this is the only operation available to me, a breast reduction.” With that the stretcher was transported into the operating room where I was moved onto a cold metal table, and as soon as I was placed on the table my anesthesiologist said “Everything will be okay Melissa, I promise. Now what I want you to do is count backwards from one hundred.” I began to count “100-99-98…” and there I was off to sleep and soon all my troubles would be cut away.
Here I sit, on a flat white mat covered with a white cloth, and all I can focus on is the clock and the minutes slowly passing by. The clock now read 6:00am, and as each minute passes I can feel my stomach begin to growl. I think to myself "I have been starving myself for the past twelve hours and for what?"
With that thought I begin to examine my past. I think about the hallways of high school; the plain white walls with blue lockers lining each side of the hallway. Suddenly, I begin to think about the numerous confrontations that occur within those hallways. It's almost as if the hallways hold a special value to each clique. You see, in my high school there were a plethora of cliques. You had the jocks, the skaters, the nerds, and the band geeks, and then there was the rest. Where did I fall, in the middle of all these cliques? Well, let's just say I was a part of “the rest.”
"The rest" was in no way a clique. It was just a bunch of people who chose not to associate with any particular group. It was those people who were looked at oddly but, for some reason I was the one who was looked at in an awkward manner the most. I though of myself as an average girl. Yes, I was indeed short in stature, and am still today, but I was always told "good things come in small packages" so I never thought of myself as being any different.
Indeed, everyone knows the struggles that come in high school; finding a date to the prom, sex, parties, and many other things, but none of those things ever fazed me. My high school career was not about whom I was going to prom with or when I would lose my virginity. It was about putting my best foot forward and getting into a good college. I guess in some ways I did break the barriers of a "normal" high schooler, in the sense, but why was I being treated so differently?
As I snapped back into reality, I look back at the clock; it was only forty-five minutes later than the last time I looked at it. The clock reads 6:45 am, and here I am sitting on this white sheet. A young woman approached me, and gave me a top to cover myself, she said "Could you please take off all you garments except for your panties and put this on with the opening in the front?" I slowly began removing each leg from my jeans, and as I proceeded to undress myself again the thoughts of high school reoccurred in my head.
This time, I was sitting in the cafeteria; people were looking at me, looking under the table…at me! All I could think about was why they were doing this. What was under the table that looked so appealing? I would look at my friends surrounding me for an answer but, they all giggled at me as if I were stupid. I never really took notice as to where the table fell on my petite body; the only body parts exposed above the cafeteria table were my shoulders, my neck, and my head. I guess I was so juvenile at the time that I never really took into any thought that what they were looking at beneath the table could be something that would later scar me for life.
Suddenly, I heard a voice say “Melissa, are you dressed in the top I gave you?” I stopped thinking about high school and came to the situation that was developing around me. With a little hesitation in my voice I responded “Yes.” The woman slowly opened the curtain that was surround the mat covered with the white sheet, and said “Melissa, please lie down we’re going to transport you to another room now.” With that, I laid down, on what seemed to be the most sterile bed ever. All I could smell was bleach. Slowly the bed was being pushed an all I could do was look up at the ceiling. Before being moved from one room to the other, I caught one last glimpse of the clock, it read 7:45am.
Time was moving faster than I wanted it to. I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing. As the bed I was lying on moved down the hallway, I heard every little crack it went over. It reminded me of the number of people who brought me where I am today. On my journey from one room to the next, I counted seven cracks, and for some reason these seven cracks resembled the seven people. The seven people who were always too busy looking else where than at my face. The seven people: Rob, Dan, Jesse, Brian, Matt, Jamie, and last but not least Will.
As I sat in the room all I could think about was the last of the seven people, Will. Will was the worst out of the seven he never would even make an effort to look me in the eye. He was the one who drew the straw that broke the camel’s back he was the one who woke me up into reality. He was the one I wanted to punch in the face numerous times for pointing it all out. As much as I wanted to deny it existed, it did.
So, there I was lying on this bed, about to go into surgery, and all I could think about is what Will had done. Before entering the operating room, the anesthesiologist approached me and asked me many questions like my name, my date of birth, and if I had a living will. I answered all the questions slowly. “My name is Melissa Veronica Shaw. My date of birth is 9-30-84. I have no living will.” All of the sudden before my anesthesiologist could walk away I grabbed her and said “You want to know why I’m going through with this?” Before she could answer I said “Well, I’m tired of people not looking at my face and focusing on how large my breasts are. I’m tired of the fact that because I have a larger chest people feel its okay to touch without asking. As a matter of fact, there is nothing more I would want right now than to make my chest invisible, but this is the only operation available to me, a breast reduction.” With that the stretcher was transported into the operating room where I was moved onto a cold metal table, and as soon as I was placed on the table my anesthesiologist said “Everything will be okay Melissa, I promise. Now what I want you to do is count backwards from one hundred.” I began to count “100-99-98…” and there I was off to sleep and soon all my troubles would be cut away.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Prompts...can sometimes be a little scary..
Melanie's Paper
Hello everyone! I recently took some time to look over Melanie's paper, which was incredibly powerful. It has such potential! I made some comments on certain aspects of the paper as well as some edits. If you would like to see my comments and/or edits. Please copy and paste or click this link: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgsfcqf2_1hmrspzcm
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Fiction Writing
If I could say it with passion I would...but when it comes to fiction I'm usually left bored and don't even want to bother. If you didn't notice by now, fiction is not my forte what-so-ever! I'd rather write about real life situations and not get sucked down the fiction path. Everytime I think of a fiction book...all I can think about is mystical beings...and all that hoop-la, and I just don't want to go there.
On the other hand, I have found one very addictive and inspiring fiction writer. The writer is Stephenie Meyer, and she is the author of the new Twilight series. Her writing is impeccable, and I have to admit....she makes the reader fall in love with her character(s).
If there is one fiction writer I aspire to be like...it would be her. I would love to captivate my readers in the way that she does. It is truly amazing.
So, I'm going to make this suggestion for anyone who hates/despises fiction (like I do myself) go to Borders, Barnes & Noble, wherever and just read the first three chapters of Stephenie Meyers Twilight. I honestly think this will change your thinking about fiction...and in the end you might find yourself mimicking her a little bit.
P.S.- If you want to find out more about the author I mentioned, go to her website: www.stepheniemeyer.com
On the other hand, I have found one very addictive and inspiring fiction writer. The writer is Stephenie Meyer, and she is the author of the new Twilight series. Her writing is impeccable, and I have to admit....she makes the reader fall in love with her character(s).
If there is one fiction writer I aspire to be like...it would be her. I would love to captivate my readers in the way that she does. It is truly amazing.
So, I'm going to make this suggestion for anyone who hates/despises fiction (like I do myself) go to Borders, Barnes & Noble, wherever and just read the first three chapters of Stephenie Meyers Twilight. I honestly think this will change your thinking about fiction...and in the end you might find yourself mimicking her a little bit.
P.S.- If you want to find out more about the author I mentioned, go to her website: www.stepheniemeyer.com
Workshop C...I think ?
Melissa Shaw
Creative Writing
October 8, 2008
For the One I Loved
Creative Writing
October 8, 2008
For the One I Loved
There was something about her, something about the way she talked and the way her hair fell on her shoulders. I stood there mesmerized by her beauty. There was no way that I could approach her. My body trembled with the fear of rejection. I tried to stand as close to her as I could just to hear her soft spoken voice, but the noise that filled the room was unbearable.
There I stood next to the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, unable to speak a word, or to hear anything because of the utter chaos that was going on in the world around me. The room was dark and I could barely see the crimson drapes that hung on the window in front of me. I felt like a bee in a swarm of people. The more and more I paid attention to my surroundings the further I saw my beauty slip away.
One moment, she stood next to me, the next she was down the hall disappearing into the darkness. I felt so alone and helpless without having her near me. It was as if I were an infant and my mother left me on the front step of a church crying hysterically. I tried to push my way through the crowd of people, but the closer I got to her the more her presence faded.
Suddenly, my heart began racing. From one beat to the next I could feel my heart slowly sink to the pit of my stomach. The girl whom I was falling for had slipped from my hands, and my soul felt like a barren desert wasteland. I felt as if I was punched in the stomach in more ways than one, like a force was holding me back from her.
The more I tried to move down the never-ending hallway the harsher the pain had gotten. I thought to myself, "Is this girl worth all the pain I am enduring?" The pain got more intense, it felt as if some outside force had gone into my abdomen and twisted my intestines. I could feel myself being ripped apart from the inside out as I fell on to the floor. There was something…something terribly wrong.
I could feel someone or something slowly whisper in my ear that everything would be okay. I looked around me and there was no one. There was no longer anyone surrounding me…I was left alone. I could not take my hand from my stomach; the pain was so unbearable. I looked down because I felt dampness, as I lifted my hand it was saturated in blood. I could not stop myself from thinking "Oh my God! I'm dying…I'm going to die here alone."
The more I thought about the girl I had fallen in love with the more the blood came protruding out of my abdomen. I didn't know what to do. I slowly began to rise from the floor, trying to make my way down the hall and some force from behind me pushed me forward. It was like being hit by a sixteen wheeler. As I flew forward all I could see was darkness and images of my life floating past me. Images of the bitter emptiness I had felt for years. The pain I went through with my dead-beat drunken father beating me day in and day out. The prostitute of a mother I had that made my life a living hell. Then finally images of the girl I had laid eyes upon; the girl who would take away my worries and pain.
With these scattered images floating about and being shoved forward, I came to a halt, and what lay ahead of me was the most horrific thing I had ever seen in my life. My dream girl, the one with whom I had gazed upon a few moments before was being mauled before my eyes. She was cut with a sharp razor blade several times leaving the markings of a hex on her by this force unbeknownst to me. I looked around searching to fight off this person, only to see that no one was there. The more I looked at my "girl" the more gruesome it got. Her limbs were now removed and her body completely decapitated.
Suddenly her lifeless body lay before me, my hands covered in blood. What had happened? God, did I do something wrong? All of the sudden I felt my chest pull outward and I felt my soul float out of my body. I was a spirit floating above my body looking down. As I looked down toward my body I heard myself say "Dies Irae." I had no clue what this meant, but I could tell you it was Latin. I felt my soul soar as if it were trying to defeat the demon that had now possessed my body.
I saw my now possessed body move quickly down the darkened hallway. The only things to provide light to the hallway were the candelabra's. My eyes were glaring with rage as my body got closer and closer to the people who were initially surrounding me. My demon possessed body entered a room at the end of the hallway. The room painted in the palest of white and the wooden floor creaked as you walked across it. My body had made itself known. "My name is Lived" he said sternly. All the chatter that was going about in the room ceased.
People were now trembling at the sight of my demon possessed body. It was as if they knew something was going on. They knew that something terrible was going to come out of this. The porcelain white walls had suddenly become blood stained as blood came trickling out of each crack. "Lived" lifted his hands and pronounced "Dies Irae" again.
Each person in the room looked blankly at one another in shock they could not believe what was happening. Someone whispered…"Does anyone know what he is saying?" Slowly the whisper was passed around the room, and once the whisper came to one young man he said "He's saying The Day of Wrath. He's speaking Latin." The room hushed as "Lived" began speaking in tongues. His eyes drawn outward from his face as if they were to pierce every human soul in the room, the walls began to shake, and people began running down the lit hallway that ran off of the room.
"God, help us!" they all screamed as they were running away. You could hear the silent prayers of people as they began to flee the area of "Lived", but as soon as they began their prayers the voices were silenced. "Lived" had taken the power of verbal prayer away from them. The room was filled with the sound of stomping feet, like a heard of wild animals fleeing a predator. Then it came to a stop, all those who were running fell to the ground.
© October 2008
© October 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here's my attempt at black-out. Don't know how well it's working for me....but it seemed fun. Would've liked it more if I could find some cohesive way to make the words fit into one another, but I think if I really put my mind to it I could accomplish writing something great. On the other hand, I think this is a great way to start something new!
Prompt...Prompt...Prompt AWAY!!!

You'll see that I did the prompt using a picture. Very interesting! I couldn't believe that you could actually develope a piece out of something that was alot of fun! Kudos to that website...it's a complete God Send....especially when you're having writers block. Woo-Hoo! I'm going to try another prompt and see what happens
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